May 2018


With the newly announced $100 billion share repurchase program, it’s clear that Apple is running out of ideas. Orrrrr maybe they’re just being responsible stewards of capital. Buybacks have a negative stigma, even though Econompically speaking, they’re actually equivalent. But people hear buybacks and think of Cisco  in the 90s and other easily available examples as…

Animal Spirits: Micro Bubbles

Stories Discussed Demographics is destiny Retirement is going to be tough But things are getting better It’s a bubble. So what.  Wait. What is a bubble? The tech takedown Amazon’s cash flow Amazon is worth $1,019 a share.  The most brilliant investor ever.  Listen here Charts mentioned Tweets mentioned Going back to 1896, the Dow…

The Cost of Waiting

Baby Boomers did not do a great job preparing for their future. The median retirement account balance for people ages 56-61 is just $25,000. This could have been accomplished by contributing just $6 a month into a 60/40 portfolio (since 1980). Ask somebody whether they would prefer $100 today or $500 in twenty years, most…