These Are the Goods


 Cults of personality do not last forever in the stock market. (By Drew Dickson)

Top Shot has been so successful that it is starting to affect the price of cardboard. (By Justin Paterno)

We’re in a consequence-free environment (By Josh Brown)

Each feels simultaneously like a potential fad and a nascent revolution. (By Packy McCormick)

If you think the Internet is terrible now, just wait a while (By Myles Udland)

The United States has a real opportunity to lead here (By Dave Nadig)

I was sitting smack dab in the middle of the technology bubble (By Ryan Krueger)

If enough people believe it’s true it’s just as powerful as actually being true. (By Morgan Housel)

Bitcoin morphed from a cryptocurrency to a crypto asset, reinventing itself as an alternative to gold (By Marc Rubinstein)

The combination of a good story and rising prices can make people believe just about anything. (By Ben Carlson)

How do you choose what to consume? (By Tadas Viskanta)

When a simple rebalance is taken as an attack on your faith, it says a lot (By Nick Maggiulli)



Stability is unstable (With Patrick O’Shaughnessy and Jeremy Grantham)

He’s one of my favorite writers (With Bill Simmons and Derek Thompson)

That’s how I met Marc and Ben (With Tim Ferris and Katie Haun)


When presented with facts and data that contradict our deeply held beliefs, we generally do not reconsider and alter those beliefs appropriately (By William Bernstein)

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